Beauty Certificate ♥️ Project
Yuzawa City in Akita Prefecture, the birthplace of "Ono no Komachi." When you come to Yuzawa, everyone finds the "beauty" within themselves.
With a "Beauty Certificate," I, "Kasumin," can certify that your "beauty" is truly astonishing.
And with a "Bisanshi Certificate," I can certify that your "beauty" is surprising to all.
Regardless of age or gender, I, "Kasumin," will certify your beauty.
Just by having a Beauty Certificate or Bisanshi Certificate,
you can receive various services at participating stores within Yuzawa City. It’s a magical card ★ (valid for one year from the date of issuance). Issuance fee: 100 yen.
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By presenting this card at participating inns,
you can receive a 100 yen discount on bathing services.